Why Do We Love Candles
Why Do We Love Candles?
I think that most of us are drawn to burning candles because each candle is filled with a touch of magic! There is the remembrance when we look at a burning candle that light was the first element of creation! There is the remembrance that before the Industrial Age we used natural fire to cook with, to warm ourselves with and light our way. The flame and the warmth of a burning candle draws us near, and we feel embraced by an indefinable warmth.
Fragrance reminds us of nature and the natural world where we originally came from. It remind us of flowers, plants, herbs and trees, the oceans and rivers, our Earth and starry lit skies. Our minds ignite with special memories when we bring these two elements together.
Besides the fact that something can simply smell good or bad to us, science has discovered that smell is indeed closely linked to memory and emotion.
So much as a single whiff of a pleasing or displeasing fragrance can trigger the olfactory function of our brains to evoke particular memories, even those we may have forgotten.
Unlike taste or touch, which are related to our experiences in the present moment, scent has a direct link to our past. This explains why fragrance is so powerful in evoking or changing various emotions, moods and bringing into our awareness the memories of our past, good or not so good!
Fragrance can become a powerful ally in regulating and changing our state of being. It can participate in our health, healing, our creativity, our productivity and help in delivering us into a state of love and the appreciation of beauty.
I believe that this is why so many of us love to burn scented candles in our homes and offices. Burning candles can be a point of focus, attention, inspiration, peace and creativity.